Municipal General Election: October 26th, 2022
Serving your community can be a rewarding and eye-opening experience. There are many good reasons to run for council:
- To be actively involved in the local decision-making process
- To contribute your experience and knowledge to the community
- To address issues or lead change in your community
Elected officials are entrusted with making decisions that directly affect the daily lives of residents, family, local business owners and many others in the local community. If you are thinking of running for local office part of the decision-making process may include considering the role you will play, how best you can serve your community and the impact you will have as an elected official. Ask yourself why it is you want to run for council, and what it is you want to bring to your community.
A municipal council makes decisions collectively, meaning that it is not individual council members but rather the council as a whole, based on a majority vote, that decides and acts for the municipality.
Thinking of Running for Local Office?
Click on this " Pre-Candidate Handbook" to get an overview of how the election process works, what it means to be a councillor and some specific information about our municipality!
Additional Resources:
By-Laws of Interest - these pertain to the election process and/or have been mentioned in the Handbook
- By-Law #04-2022 Use of Municipal Resources for an Election
- By-Law #05-2022 Campaign Expenses & Contributions
- By-Law #01-2022 Organizational
- By-Law #02-2022 Procedures
- By-Law #02-2021 Indemnity & Remuneration
- By-Law #08-2020 Council Members’ Code of Conduct
- By-Law #1558 Ward Division for Election
Manitoba Municipal Relations "2022 Candidates Guidebook"
For more information at any time please contact:
SEO (election information): CAO (general council information):
Constance Tanguay Trisha Huberdeau
204-683-2241 204-722-2053